Please refer to the Experience Required for specifics of each expedition.


1 - Reasonable hill fitness required – able to carry a rucksack at moderate altitude for 8 hours per day over multiple days.

2 – Very good hill fitness required – able to carry a larger rucksack (maybe including heavier items such as a sleeping bag), for 8+ hour days, over multiple weeks at high altitude, sometimes in adverse weather.

3 – Exceptional hill fitness required – able to carry large expedition packs, for 10-16 hour days over multiple weeks/months at extreme altitude, potentially with limited sleep. Preparation would typically involve a fitness plan and the expedition may result in weight loss and some longer term fatigue.


A – Trekking, gentle snow slopes and easy scrambling requiring no previous expedition experience other than a good head for heights.

B – Mountaineering on moderate angled rock, snow and/or mixed ground (ie UK scrambling Grade 1-3, Scottish winter Grade I) – previous mountaineering experience is recommended to include use of ice axe, crampons, harness and helmet. A rope may be used for glacial travel.

C – Mountaineering where fixed lines and ropes may be used for short and/or straightforward sections of steeper ground (ie. low grade rock climbing & Scottish winter Grade II).

D – Steep and/or sustained, rock, ice and mixed ground, requiring extensive mountaineering and climbing experience – to include graded UK rock climbing and Scottish winter routes depending on the expedition. Participants are proficient in fundamental skills such as belaying, abseiling & jumaring. (ie Hard Severe rock climbing/Scottish winter Grade III and above).